3 Delicious Types of Espresso to Try Now

A steaming cup of espresso is more than just a morning ritual; it’s an experience, a taste of history in every sip. Espresso, originating from Italy in the early 20th century, is a concentrated form of coffee served in shots. This rich and robust brew isn’t just about caffeine—it’s about culture. Beyond its energizing effects, espresso boasts a host of health benefits, from enhancing mental focus to potentially reducing the risk of certain diseases.

But, with the term “Espresso” being quite broad, let’s narrow down the field to three specific types you need to add to your coffee rotation.


espresso - ristretto - go joe bean

The term “ristretto” literally means “restricted” in Italian, and this is exactly what sets it apart in the espresso world. Unlike the more common espresso shot, the process for making a Ristretto involves using less water while maintaining the same amount of coffee grounds. This restricted flow results in a shot that is significantly more concentrated but also showcases a different spectrum of flavors.

Origin and Flavor Profile: The origins of Ristretto are deeply rooted in Italian coffee culture, a country renowned for its coffee tradition and the art of espresso. 

As a hallmark of espresso excellence, Ristretto embodies the essence of what many coffee purists seek – a dense, velvety shot that highlights the coffee bean’s intrinsic flavors without the bitterness that can sometimes accompany a regular espresso. The flavor profile of a Ristretto is complex, often described as sweet and syrupy, with a pronounced richness that stands in contrast to the sharper profile of traditional espresso shots.

Moreover, the precise method of preparation accentuates the sweeter, more aromatic compounds in the coffee, while minimizing the extraction of bitter compounds, culminating in a shot that is as balanced as it is intense. This unique extraction process showcases the skill of the barista as well as the quality of the coffee beans used, making Ristretto a symbol of craftsmanship in the world of coffee.

Best Way to Drink It: To fully experience the depths of flavor that a Ristretto offers, it’s recommended to drink it straight, without any additives. This approach allows one to savor the espresso’s nuanced flavors, and appreciate the smooth, rich texture that is distinctive of a well-prepared Ristretto. For enthusiasts looking to elevate their coffee experience, pairing a Ristretto with a small piece of dark chocolate can complement its flavor complexity, offering an indulgent taste exploration.


The concept of Lungo is somewhat opposite to that of Ristretto. Here, the idea is to elongate the brewing process, allowing more water to pass through the coffee grounds. This method of preparation not only results in a larger volume of coffee but also extracts a broader spectrum of flavors from the bean.

Origin and Flavor Profile: Lungo, with its roots firmly planted in Italian coffee culture, translates to “long” in English, which succinctly describes the essence of this espresso variation.

lungo - espresso - go joe bean

Unlike a Ristretto, where the goal is to concentrate the flavors, a Lungo seeks to expand upon them by introducing more water into the extraction process. This longer extraction can result in a more diluted shot but one that presents a unique opportunity to taste different aspects of the coffee.

The flavor profile of a Lungo tends to be more nuanced, with the added water bringing out flavors that might be overshadowed in other espresso types. The longer pull can introduce a slight bitterness, but this is often accompanied by a more pronounced acidity and a broader floral or fruity spectrum, depending on the coffee used. The Lungo presents a captivating dichotomy; it’s both milder in strength than a traditional espresso yet possesses a complex flavor profile that is intricate and layered.

Best Way to Drink It: Enjoying a Lungo in its pure form is arguably the best way to appreciate its intricate balance of flavors. Drinking it plain allows one to discern the subtle shifts in taste that the extended extraction process introduces. However, the Lungo’s versatility also lends itself well to those who might find a standard espresso too strong but still crave the depth of flavor that only espresso can provide. Adding a small amount of steamed milk or foam can soften the Lungo’s intensity while preserving its unique characteristics, making it an adaptable option for a range of coffee preferences.

Both Ristretto and Lungo offer distinct coffee experiences, each highlighting different aspects of espresso’s potential. The Ristretto, with its concentrated flavor and rich texture, caters to those who seek intensity and complexity in their cup. In contrast, the Lungo, milder yet nuanced, appeals to those who prefer a longer, more contemplative coffee experience. Whether you gravitate towards the bold and robust or the subtle and extended, exploring these variations can deepen your appreciation for the art and science behind your favorite morning ritual.

Caffe Americano

americano - espresso - go joe bean

The Caffe Americano stands as a testament to the adaptability and enduring legacy of espresso, offering a unique bridge between the bold intensity of traditional Italian coffee and the more diluted styles that have become a staple in other parts of the world. The story of the Americano begins not in a coffee shop, but amidst the turmoil of World War II, where it found its identity through necessity and ingenuity.

Origin and Flavor Profile: The Americano’s roots can be traced back to the battlefields of World War II, a time when American GIs stationed in Europe sought to soften the strong espresso of their Italian allies with hot water to emulate the coffee back home.

This improvised method of coffee preparation not only served to accommodate their palates but also unwittingly gave birth to a new espresso beverage that bridged cultural divides. The name “Americano” itself is a nod to this origin, embodying a blend of Italian craftsmanship and American innovation.

The flavor profile of an Americano is distinct, characterized by a delicate balance that retains the richness and depth of espresso while introducing a lighter, smoother body thanks to the addition of water. This combination allows the nuanced flavors of the espresso to shine through in a subtler form, making each sip a nuanced exploration of taste. The Americano’s appeal lies in its ability to offer the complexity of espresso without its characteristic intensity, providing a milder, yet equally satisfying, coffee experience.

Water plays a transformative role in the Americano, not merely diluting the espresso but creating a harmonious blend that brings out different flavor notes. The result is a beverage that can range from bold and robust to light and refreshing, depending on the ratio of espresso to water used. This customization makes the Americano a versatile choice, capable of satisfying a wide range of coffee preferences.

Best Way to Drink It: The beauty of the Caffe Americano lies in its simplicity and versatility. Enjoying it black allows for an unadulterated appreciation of the espresso’s varied flavor profile, gently mellowed by the presence of hot water. This minimalist approach invites drinkers to focus on the subtleties of the coffee, from its aromatic top notes to its satisfying depth.

However, the Americano’s adaptable nature means it can also serve as a canvas for further creativity. Adding a splash of milk or cream introduces a silky texture and softens the coffee’s edges, creating a beverage that’s both comforting and sophisticated. Sweeteners or flavored syrups can also be added to tailor the drink to individual tastes, making the Americano a foundation for endless variation.

Whichever way it is enjoyed, the Americano remains a compelling choice for those who appreciate the art of espresso but seek a lighter touch. Its storied origin, combined with its capacity for customization, makes it not just a coffee but a celebration of history, culture, and personal taste. Whether savored in its purest form or adapted to suit individual preferences, the Americano invites coffee lovers to partake in a tradition that transcends boundaries, offering a unique way to experience the world of espresso.

The Last Drop

From the bold and intense Ristretto to the nuanced and extended enjoyment of Lungo, and finally to the adaptable and approachable Caffe Americano, the world of Espresso offers a plethora of experiences. Each variety brings its own story, flavor profile, and optimal ways of enjoyment to the table. Whether you’re a longtime espresso aficionado or a curious newcomer, these three varieties offer a delightful exploration into the rich tapestry of coffee culture.

So, why not take on the adventure? Brew yourself a Ristretto, Lungo, or Americano, and savor the rich history and vibrant flavors encapsulated within each cup.

Who knows? You might just find your new morning favorite among these enticing espresso options.

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